Sketchbook Saturday: Osprey and Barn Owl Sketches

osprey bird sketches

I studied several birds while doing the 100 day project, focusing on ones with different character.  To really understand them, I took out several textbooks from the library and read up on specific groups, their behavior and unique adaptations.  I […]

Sketchbook Saturday: 100 Days Project

koi sketches

Took a break from the blog as I raised my kiddo through the early part of toddlerhood, I couldn’t keep up with the updates and stay creative, but I seem to have found my stride again. Earlier this year I […]

Painting Exploration-Bears

I’m not feeling very wordy today, so thought pictures would speak for me =) My current idea for a painting (in addition to that last one from Friday, I’m exploring several options) is another in the tone of my creation […]

Hamster Gestures

Often before a project involving a critter I haven’t done in a while, or one I’m not as familiar with (and often those I am!) I like to start with gestures and practice sketches to play with the anatomy, features […]