
a very wet red tail hawk

Whenever I get the chance, I like to take walks. I find the quiet moment in nature is something I can then take with me in the studio. One of my favorite places, the Connecticut river, has inspired Thomas Cole […]

Sketchbook Saturday: More Flying Critters

tucan sketches

More birds, this time one with extreme proportions!  I focused on getting the beak correct from a variety of angles, as well as how little detail was needed to express the orientation of that tiny black body in space!  I’m […]

Sketchbook Saturday: Osprey and Barn Owl Sketches

osprey bird sketches

I studied several birds while doing the 100 day project, focusing on ones with different character.  To really understand them, I took out several textbooks from the library and read up on specific groups, their behavior and unique adaptations.  I […]