Zazzle Tote Bag Review

Fox tote

I ordered a couple of the animal all-over reusable tote bags I offer in my store on Zazzle during Zazzle’s last sale and I love them!

tote featuring a red fox on blue background
My fox tote posed on a tree

I ordered the Fox and Pawprints of Death.

The colors were quite vibrant, especially the deep blues on the fox. That bag was quite eye-catching! There was some fading in the darkest areas of the wolf such as the background, but I’m still pretty happy with it. It is matte, I’m sure if it were gloss it would be darker. It’s likely a limitation of the material rather than quality. The material is solid for a tote bag, I expect they will last a while. The image isn’t perfectly sharp, but certainly, within the range, I would expect on fabric. It’s not blurry by any stretch, and it even captured much of the subtle dark color shifts in the wolf design.

They also regularly go on sale for 40% off, today the code is BLACKFRIWKND but if you watch the banner it’s in the regular rotation.

Overall I would definitely recommend these reusable totes for something original for a trip to the grocery or farmer’s market!

You can find the collection here! (Disclaimer: these are my designs licensed to Zazzle and I make a portion of the profit.)

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